
When they were in the house again, the disciples asked Jesus about this. He answered, "Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. (Mark 10:10,11)

If a first part of divorce paused by verse 9, a second part of it begins from verse 10. If the first part is for the Pharisees then the second part is for his disciples. We don’t exactly know why the author of Mark’s gospel divided a plot of this theme in this way though it doesn’t have much difference in between two. Was it a literary device to extent the theme?

Outwardly the disciples asked Jesus when they were in the house. They were unsatisfied with Jesus answer for the Pharisees. Jesus answered “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her.” All of sudden, a stream of story seems to go to the extreme way. It transfers from theoretical discussion to practical discussion, from past Moses’ law to daily life of today.

If we look into this story a little more precisely, the second part has a different situation to the first part. The first is mere divorce but the second is ‘being discarded’. Divorce and being discarded is different. The former is legal but the latter is one-sided one. It is not clear that the author of Mark’s gospel distinguished it clearly. It might be another tradition and flowed into this story by the author. In this point, the authors of gospel are great theologians for they were able to sort, analyze and edit the traditions about Jesus.

To desert wife is a sort of result. Before doing this, a husband already became a prisoner of sexual desire at the extreme level. He became a blind for sexual desire. He is planning to desert his wife with various reasons. Mark’s gospel calls it as ‘adultery’.

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