The Power of Daily Life

“As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. (Mark 1:16)

The author of the Gospel of Mark describes so simply the meeting between Jesus and Simon and his brother. It says that Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee and saw Simon and his brother Andrew who were fishing. We could not say decisively because the text did not describe in details, but it might be very possible that Jesus used to go for an early morning walk everyday to the beaches of Galilee. In that case maybe Jesus could see them more often. Probably he could talk with them several times. Jesus used to take a walk to the beaches everyday, and Simon and his brother did fishing everyday.

Take a close look at the description in today’s text. You could see it very simple and dry. Look at verbs only. Walked beside, saw, casting. It ends with the sentence “they were fishermen.” Every description has every aspect in everyday life. We live like this. We wake up and walk beside in the morning, we cast for making money, we see people, and we live with having our name and title. Some people who have a little bit professional jobs teach, study, play music, or fight. Everything happens in this world could be our daily lives.

Such things like these might seem to be boring on the surface. So people could easily fall into mannerism. But there is no greater event than everyday life. Our daily life in which we breathe, eat, excrete, give a birth, live to look at each other is in accord with God’s creation. I don’t think I have to explain these things in details. It is so strange that our daily life has cosmological meanings to someone who has the insights for daily life, but to someone it could be so meaningless. Why does such a thing happen?

The answer is that they cannot see mystery of daily life. For example, it is so mysterious for us to feel gravity, I am saying. What you feel gravity means that you are alive, and also that the earth is working out mechanism of life. If we could feel gravity among our steps of our simple and fatal daily lives, mystery of our daily lives could be enlightened wonderfully. Between people as well as between man and insects, actually there exists a mysterious organism. We just miss the point in them.

Jesus walked beside the beach as usual and he saw Simon and Andrew who were fishing as usual. What on earth did it happen between them? Through the Bible, we could not figure out what had happened exactly. If we did not know the story after this event, we might not have any glimpse of what would happen. Luckily we know what’s going on in the Gospel. Their encounter became a turning point for history of Christianity, and even more for history of the world.

Don’t you think that some amazing events like this are hiding in our daily lives? Those could be exposed or buried in actual history. The results could be enormously important or insignificant according to your point of view. You don’t have to think about it consciously because nobody knows the answer. But it would be nice if we remember that our daily lives are related with history of God’s salvation. There is none excluded from this. Even tax collecters, prostitutes, or sinners are not excluded. All the daily lives are related with the event of Christ in a secret way.

Lord, we like to open our eyes to mystery of our daily lives. Amen.

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