
When they were in the house again, the disciples asked Jesus about this. He answered, "Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. (Mark 10:10, 11)

In the last paragraph of yesterday’s mediation, I mentioned being a prisoner of greediness for sexual desire was a more serious status than to desert a wife. However, we can not control the desire in our own choice. It is because the desire is a fundamental and structural fact ingrained in a man.

I do not explain here the concept of Freud's libido in detail. Though I do not mention such classical theory, clearly sexual desire working in a species named human is incomparably more powerful than other animal. Sex business and pornography business will never disappear as long as human civilization continues though the activity of the business may fluctuate depending on ages and environment. Sexual desire is the primitive phenomena.

The primitive phenomena usually have two sides. It sublimates life into transcendental level but it also destroys life. Simply speaking, the former is a formal sexual relationship which generally occurs between two lovers and the latter is a sort of sexual violence. We can not categorize sexual phenomena into two like drawing a line with a scale. Like man's unconsciousness, sex is a primitive life phenomenon and does not seem to reveal to us completely.

The matter is not the primitive phenomena of sex but the ethical one. Adultery of today's content can be discussed only our ethical life inside. In the primitive community, there might not be the concept of adultery. Entering into this civilization, we have to find out the way to reduce the conflict between a primitive instinct and ethics so as to create an affluent society. The passive answer for this quest is the warning against adultery in today's content.

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