The stones of temple

As he was leaving the temple, one of his disciples said to him, "Look, Teacher! What massive stones! What magnificent buildings!" (13:1)

A long discourse and argumentation in Jerusalem temple is mentioned in 12:44. Verse 1 unveils the scene in which Jesus leaves the temple. One of the disciples proudly told Jesus about the magnificence of the temple. The stones of the temple must have been beautifully adorned with delicate carvings. As a rare masterpiece of men’s work, the temple was exceptionally magnificent enough to marvel the people.

According to Jew’s fundamental spirit, such grandeur and magnificent temple does not hold much value. It would not be even desirable. This kind of undesirable attitude develops because, mesmerized by the physical beauty of the temple, people may begin to worship it as an idol. Such marvelous architect and culture is befitted to Babylonian civilization which built the Babel Tower or Hellenism and Roman civilization the people of which were proud of magnificent buildings.

Solomon was the builder of Jerusalem temple. His father, David planned to build it but he did not actually build the temple. According to the author of the Book of Chronicles David was not permitted to build the temple because his hands shed too much blood. In fact, Solomon also shed much blood like his father. David shed much blood in the battle but Solomon did it to get his throne. Solomon’s behavior seems much more mean-spirited. People could not understand the reason why such person built the temple which is supposed to be done by the blameless. Did he not build the temple in order to cover and hide his weak point?

The prophets did not support nor revere Jerusalem temple. They continually protested against the fact that God is not in such temple. Of course, they did not argue with the sacrifice in the temple itself. They criticized the formal sacrificial behavior which was given without righteousness, mercy and obedience which are the essence of worship.

How can we completely concentrate on God who exists beyond the beautiful temple and the stones?

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