Five loaves and two fish (4)

Five loaves and two fish (4)
“How many loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.” When they found out, they said, “Five--and two fish.” (Mark 6:38)

In the preceding meditation it is mentioned that the five loaves and two fish newly shine with Jesus. It is the right moment to change things into holiness. Can the things in the world really give off holy light? The things in this monotonous world generally look insignificant in our eyes. If something gives off holy light, it should be considered as something different and unique but these things appear quite normal.

We do not normally catch the holy light produced by the things in the world because we do not have such holy eyes to see. Our eyes always fall on to mannerism. We have the static natural perception that mountains should always there standing tall and river should always flow and a neem tree should remain green all the time. We cannot see the other dimension of these visible things because our eyes are so accustomed to the set up of this world.

The other dimension is the cosmological depth in which all the things in the world are well connected with each other. There is a fairy tale entitled, “Doggy poop” written by Mr. Jungsang Kown who had expired recently. Doggies poop is also a part of this universe. If there is no such doggy poop, then there is no universe either. The reason being, Doggy poop becomes a food material for some insects and then again return to the soil. It communicates with the universe in a unique way. The existence of doggy poop was made possible in this universe which accepts it. Now it is evident that doggy poop and this universe are part and parcel of the same body.

Here are five loaves and two fish in the hands of the disciple. It was a tiny thing for the disciple but it is also a part of the creator God. If it belongs to the creator God, it eventually belongs to a cosmic realm. Yes. The eyes that see the things of the creationism are the same holy eyes that see things see things in a different way. The five loaves and two fish look shinny in holiness and they are true as they are in the eyes of the beholders.

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