At Jerusalem temple (3)

“… and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts.” (Mark 11:16)

Jesus drove out the buyers and sellers from the temple and overturned the benches. It might be a unique violence of Jesus in the gospels. What was more, Jesus would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple court. Why did Jesus show such violent action? Jesus surely knew the temple market was for the pilgrims.

If we think differently it is a story related to essential and unessential fact of religious activities. The essentiality of temple is confirmed only through sacrificial rituals. If the religious ritual that glorifies to God only is not practiced rightfully the temple’s reason for being disappears. However, the problem lies at the point that the essentiality cannot be kept naturally. The essentiality can be so easily absorbed or is played by inessentiality. It is because we have a difficulty to pry into essentiality only.

Think of worship service today. How much do we regard seriously the fact of worshiping the Trinity God and experience and feel the reality? We easily fall into mannerism of worship service. We utilize various audio-video aids or modern music in order to overcome this mannerism we cannot overcome it by such aids.

The first important step for us to enter into the essentiality of worship is to fully understand the spiritual meaning of each worship order and to secure the wholeness of worship. It is similar to be absorbed on symphony music at a classic music concert. For this, people must know what music is first. The players also should play properly. If such process is omitted people thinks else or sleeps. Jesus violence might be an expression of self-awakening of essentiality of the temple.

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