Hungry Jesus

The next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry.(Mark 11:12)

There is a story little difficult to understand in Mark 11:12-14 that Jesus cursed a fig tree. It is rare possibility to be a true. More correctly speaking, though a similar incident happened it wasn’t the same content that the author of Mark’s gospel delivered. If we compare it with a parallel phrase Matthew 21:18-22 we can somewhat follow the authors’ writing intention. Let’s think of it later.

Mark and Matthew narrated the beginning of this incident a little farcical way, Jesus was hungry. So Jesus tried to find out something to eat from a fig tree. A thirsty man seeks for water and a hungry people looks for food is natural and it seems nothing strange that Jesus was searching for a fig. However, it seems awaked for our Christian who believes Jesus as the Son of God. Though he was hungry he would bear of it. His action to search for food hurriedly makes lose his face.

Why the author of the Bible didn’t hide Jesus’ humanity that could be losing business of Jesus. This is nothing strange. The Church Father who theologically systemized the faith of the author of the Bible recognized Jesus a true God and a true man. They said for Jesus these two natures make an identity without mixing each other. We have to pay attention to ‘a true man’ (vere Homer) here. Jesus was a perfect human being like us. He had lived in this world with our human condition and limitation.

If Jesus was hungry he would get many moments to be lonely. He might be afraid of clashing with the religious leaders of Jerusalem. We can well imagine Jesus distress when he thought God had forsaken him. The Jesus who was hungry is the very Saviour of us.

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