He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!"(12:27)
Through yesterday’s mediation, I told you the quotation of Exodus 3:6 could be revealed its meaning much more profoundly by interpretation of the New Testament’s light though it still has a difficulty to define its accuracy. It is revealed in today’s content. Let’s briefly see the reason at the external meaning of the sentence.
At the Mark’s point of view, the word said in Exodus 3:6, “the God of Abraham and son and so” means Abraham is still living. God is the Creator and the owner of life now and here. There is no possibility of life without him. It may say God is life itself. The word that God said “I am the God of Abraham” means the proof of Abraham’s living. It wouldn’t be said like this if Abraham was not living.
Such logic might be sounded awkwardly. Now we are not going to follow the exact nuance of the letter of the Bible. Occasionally there are ambiguous passages in a sentence structure in the Bible. Rather than the author of the Bible concentrated on unknown such part, they were concentrated on the other fact as if it would be better to ignore. There are two main points in today’s content. First, the Sadducees deny the resurrection and the other, they tried to entrap Jesus.
Though the author uses the Old Testament in order to reveal the Sadducees’ misunderstanding and conspiracy it doesn’t mean that there is no theological meaning in it. Knowing the meaning of the word, ‘living’ is a part of theology. Abraham and Isaac had died long time ago and now don’t exist like other living people today. Despite this, we cannot say they are dead for living means he is with God.
We are living by too much minimizing the meaning of living. We narrowed it at the biological level only. Of course, we have life means our brain and heart are alive. Metabolism should be taken place in our body through cell’s reproduction and stomach’s moving. Through these life phenomena we can confirm the fact that we are living.
However, should it be like that? Though we keep aside other things, we cannot ignore the fact that our life phenomena ends in a moment. In the midway of life if we get sick and meet accident or get old then our life phenomena will be stopped. The word, we are living, is in such limitation only. We may not say it as the ultimate one.
I don’t mean to say a momentary life in today is meaningless. It could be more precious because of its vanity ends. Of course we have to live by preciously accepting our life. However, we now are talking about the life not in relative but absolute manner. Our tentative and uncertain life phenomena only can have meaning in the absolute life.
Many problems can be occurred when we accept a minimized style of life that we confirm the life in the earth as the absolute one. Quantity based life interpretation is one of them. It calculates life with its numeric value and blindly pursues high valued life. Under this circumstance, the handicapped people are treated as the inferiors while the prominent in intellectual ability are received warmly.
The life created by God that cannot be measured by man. We cannot treat life at our pleasure or ensnare it for we are not the creator but a creature.
We have to think the meaning of living not in our position but God’s. Some may feel such expression is too schematized. Doubt arise how can people distinguish the position of man and God. It is difficult to inquire such matter in detail in this short writing. So I would like to deal with important point only by keeping such regretting point aside.
Our discussing point now is the relationship between God and life. We cannot understand the life after death for we used to think about life in too small category. We should take down such preconception first. Though death is clearly declared by the incident ceasing our biological life phenomena but no one can determine the complete end of life itself by death.
If some may ask to prove it then no one can does it directly. It is not the matter of proof but trust. We only trust the resurrection life that the Bible explained and promised. We cannot prove it demonstratively. It is unfair to say that the truth can be granted by its proof only. How can a man who is living in this world momentarily prove the ultimate life incident that could be proved through the entire history of universe?
The Bible says God created the world from nothing. The nothing is not a simple empty status but something that doesn’t have any specific form. The very creator God raised Jesus from the dead. At this point, resurrection is a creation incident. If the first creation had been carried out from nothing then resurrection has been carried from something. It is created from the world of something that should die to the eternal life where will be no death.
The meaning of this verse, God is not God of the dead, but of living, is that true life, eternal life and resurrection life is possible in God only. We should not miss a point that resurrection the center of Christian faith doesn’t saying something independently but it revives its own meaning only in the relationship with God.
In God, tree, river, mountain and even rock get its life. There is saying the life of earth began from DNA and even God had made it possible. Then it may say that everything that exist in any method get its life in God.
Now the matter belongs to whether we are living in God or not. If we see the world in a whole there is nothing beyond God’s hand. Even evil and meaningless things also are ultimately in God’s hand. God even embraces evil in him that against God’s nature. It is because everything happens in God’s creation.
In order to save that evil, ‘save’ means to get life’, God chose Jesus Christ. The cross of Jesus is the victory of evil, the event the reality of evil was revealed. From there God was revealed as a helpless being. Jesus’ resurrection is God’s victory. God’s creative power revealed. God was revealed as the person of great captivity of life. God overcame evil not by evil but resurrection life.
Now none of us lose our life. We all can dwell in the life of God. The only thing we need is to believe the fact.
Through yesterday’s mediation, I told you the quotation of Exodus 3:6 could be revealed its meaning much more profoundly by interpretation of the New Testament’s light though it still has a difficulty to define its accuracy. It is revealed in today’s content. Let’s briefly see the reason at the external meaning of the sentence.
At the Mark’s point of view, the word said in Exodus 3:6, “the God of Abraham and son and so” means Abraham is still living. God is the Creator and the owner of life now and here. There is no possibility of life without him. It may say God is life itself. The word that God said “I am the God of Abraham” means the proof of Abraham’s living. It wouldn’t be said like this if Abraham was not living.
Such logic might be sounded awkwardly. Now we are not going to follow the exact nuance of the letter of the Bible. Occasionally there are ambiguous passages in a sentence structure in the Bible. Rather than the author of the Bible concentrated on unknown such part, they were concentrated on the other fact as if it would be better to ignore. There are two main points in today’s content. First, the Sadducees deny the resurrection and the other, they tried to entrap Jesus.
Though the author uses the Old Testament in order to reveal the Sadducees’ misunderstanding and conspiracy it doesn’t mean that there is no theological meaning in it. Knowing the meaning of the word, ‘living’ is a part of theology. Abraham and Isaac had died long time ago and now don’t exist like other living people today. Despite this, we cannot say they are dead for living means he is with God.
We are living by too much minimizing the meaning of living. We narrowed it at the biological level only. Of course, we have life means our brain and heart are alive. Metabolism should be taken place in our body through cell’s reproduction and stomach’s moving. Through these life phenomena we can confirm the fact that we are living.
However, should it be like that? Though we keep aside other things, we cannot ignore the fact that our life phenomena ends in a moment. In the midway of life if we get sick and meet accident or get old then our life phenomena will be stopped. The word, we are living, is in such limitation only. We may not say it as the ultimate one.
I don’t mean to say a momentary life in today is meaningless. It could be more precious because of its vanity ends. Of course we have to live by preciously accepting our life. However, we now are talking about the life not in relative but absolute manner. Our tentative and uncertain life phenomena only can have meaning in the absolute life.
Many problems can be occurred when we accept a minimized style of life that we confirm the life in the earth as the absolute one. Quantity based life interpretation is one of them. It calculates life with its numeric value and blindly pursues high valued life. Under this circumstance, the handicapped people are treated as the inferiors while the prominent in intellectual ability are received warmly.
The life created by God that cannot be measured by man. We cannot treat life at our pleasure or ensnare it for we are not the creator but a creature.
We have to think the meaning of living not in our position but God’s. Some may feel such expression is too schematized. Doubt arise how can people distinguish the position of man and God. It is difficult to inquire such matter in detail in this short writing. So I would like to deal with important point only by keeping such regretting point aside.
Our discussing point now is the relationship between God and life. We cannot understand the life after death for we used to think about life in too small category. We should take down such preconception first. Though death is clearly declared by the incident ceasing our biological life phenomena but no one can determine the complete end of life itself by death.
If some may ask to prove it then no one can does it directly. It is not the matter of proof but trust. We only trust the resurrection life that the Bible explained and promised. We cannot prove it demonstratively. It is unfair to say that the truth can be granted by its proof only. How can a man who is living in this world momentarily prove the ultimate life incident that could be proved through the entire history of universe?
The Bible says God created the world from nothing. The nothing is not a simple empty status but something that doesn’t have any specific form. The very creator God raised Jesus from the dead. At this point, resurrection is a creation incident. If the first creation had been carried out from nothing then resurrection has been carried from something. It is created from the world of something that should die to the eternal life where will be no death.
The meaning of this verse, God is not God of the dead, but of living, is that true life, eternal life and resurrection life is possible in God only. We should not miss a point that resurrection the center of Christian faith doesn’t saying something independently but it revives its own meaning only in the relationship with God.
In God, tree, river, mountain and even rock get its life. There is saying the life of earth began from DNA and even God had made it possible. Then it may say that everything that exist in any method get its life in God.
Now the matter belongs to whether we are living in God or not. If we see the world in a whole there is nothing beyond God’s hand. Even evil and meaningless things also are ultimately in God’s hand. God even embraces evil in him that against God’s nature. It is because everything happens in God’s creation.
In order to save that evil, ‘save’ means to get life’, God chose Jesus Christ. The cross of Jesus is the victory of evil, the event the reality of evil was revealed. From there God was revealed as a helpless being. Jesus’ resurrection is God’s victory. God’s creative power revealed. God was revealed as the person of great captivity of life. God overcame evil not by evil but resurrection life.
Now none of us lose our life. We all can dwell in the life of God. The only thing we need is to believe the fact.
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