The relationship between knowledge and belief

Jesus replied, "Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God? (12:24)

Jesus begins with his answer by pointing out the fundamental limitation of the Sadducees who questioned Jesus with intention of finding fault. Jesus’ word ‘you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God’ pointed out their fundamental error in their understanding. The error of understanding naturally results the error of judgment and it resulted to make an awkward question.

Today’s content exactly fit to Korean Christianity. We are regarded ‘knowledge’ insignificantly. Rather, belief has priority over everything. Of course faith is important and more to say it is the absolute one. The doctrine of righteousness by faith, the righteousness is recognized by faith, is the core of Christian belief. Problem is superfluous of such phenomena. Such surplus breaks the balance of Christianity. That is, we regard the matter of ‘knowledge’, the matter of understanding, as confronting to faith.

This is a great misunderstanding. The existence of faith without knowledge, that is, understanding, is impossible from the beginning. We cannot believe if we do not understand. Here knowledge and understanding point out not only a demonstratively certain thing but also a complete hope and waiting for a certain object which cannot but reliable.

Anselm, if I’m not wrong, said, “We believe to know.” It is natural to ask faith in the tension of acknowledgement and dialectical relationship. The faith monism that is revealed to us today has danger to run up to fanatic belief at the point of fundamental breakdown of such tension.

This is the time to restore the rightly known faith. The ‘knowledge’, that is, the understanding is the activity of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth as already told in John’s gospel. The humanities Bible reading of the Daegu Bible Academy pursues the very point. Let us believe with proper understanding.

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