Five loaves and two fish (19)

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all.(Mark 6:41)

I would like to add some more points on Eucharist that I mentioned in the foregoing meditation. Historically speaking Eucharist was originated from the last supper in which Jesus took the Passover supper with his disciples just before his crucifixion.
Jesus commanded his disciples saying, “"This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me." (Luke 22:19) Even Paul also received the same command. (1Co 11:25)
Passover supper, the foundation of Eucharist is the supper that every family of the Israelites who were living as a minor nation in Egypt ate the night before they left Egypt. They killed sheep and sprinkled its blood on the doorframes. It was a mark of passing over of the angel of dead who killed the eldest son of the entire Egyptian family and the eldest animal of the livestock of every family in Egypt. They had to eat the unleavened bread and bitter vegetable with your cloak tucked into your belt. (Exo. 12:11)

At the very day, Israelites experienced the absolute mayhem of life and death. There was wailing from every house of Egyptian neighbor with whom they had lived together for a long time. They had to leave Goshen a place where they used to live in. No one knew what was in store for them as they marched forward to occupy the land of the Canaanites. Relieving from the grip of Pharaoh’s hand in Egypt was a joyful experience of freedom but it was also a great adventure for them. They shared the supper together in such risky moment.

What does it mean by having a supper in the given unfavorable situation and the question of life and death? No wonder, man should continue to eat even if one’s house is in the state of mourning. Even a criminal under sentence of death longs for a delicious meal and a puff of good cigarette. The word “Passover” means the act of passing over of the angel of death on the house the doorframe of which was sprinkled with the blood of the lamb thereby sparing life to the house of the Israelites. Then they might eat bread and drink wine.


Five loaves and two fish (18)

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. (Mark 6:41)

From Heidegger’s explanation about things on earth I could taste the presence of spirituality among the creation. I learned much spiritual insight from Heidegger. The most amazing thing was the power to think of the existence, thought, language and world. At this point, theologians, Natural scientists and the philosophers are good teachers for me. Through them I come to know more precisely how God created world. They are good teachers who precisely explain how God created world.

As I have mentioned in the foregoing meditation, thing is a combination of quadrate according to Heidegger. In Shakespeare’s point of view, thing is a playground of the elves. The entire things found on the earth possess life in the eyes of philosophers and writers. Thing has rather holy power in a holy place. Bread is a combination of earth, heaven, sacred thing and thing to be disposed off. Bread is sublimated to a spiritual reality.

Here the word, ‘spirit’ is a term to indicate the deepest world of existence. It has not identified yet what it is. The Bible also gives an inking only and does not mention explicitly. Christians should understand such context exactly. The biblical terms such as spirit, the Holy Spirit, God, creation, the end etc do not point out a certain fixed reality but a certain ultimate reality which cannot be categorized by our cognition.

The meaning that bread is sublimated into a spiritual reality is to approach thing at the deepest place of existence. Bread is sacred. Bread is God’s flesh. We accept bread as Jesus’ flesh in Eucharist. To make Eucharist as a part of our life is a great a source of salvation.


Five loaves and two fish (17)

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. (Mark 6:41)

In order to have better understanding about the connectivity between the “Five loaves and two fish” and heaven as the world would view to penetrate the depth of things, we need to give ear to Heidegger’s explanation about this thing. I quote it as the following:

“An article of a thing can be a cup, a chair, a trail, a tray etc. According to different nature of existence, a tree, a pond, a brook and a mountain exists as a thing. A thing exists every time and takes reification according to their own way and becomes a heron, a roe, a horse and a bull. Thing stays every time and nullifies itself according to their own way and becomes a mirror, a buckle, a book, a painting, a crown and a cross.” (Das Ding 181)

The bread was in the form of wheat just before it came to Jesus. Prior to this particular incidence, the wheat (present bread) was hidden invisibly as a kernel of wheat covered with husk of the wheat. One day it revealed itself to the world in a concrete form exposing to nature of the earth, heaven, rain and carbon. As we eat of this bread, it immediately enters into the stomach and some part of it changes to nutrition to be absorbed by the body to preserve man’s life and other part of it will be changed to waste to be excreted. These may be again take reification in a certain manner.

Heidegger stipulated that thing is an assemblage of the quadrate namely, earth, heaven, sacred things and thing to be extinct. For him this world is a mirror play that is displayed by overlapping of quadrate. It is reflected to a mirror this way or that way. Do not misunderstand. It does not mean that God’s creation in this world is meaningless. Rather it is just the opposite. “Five loaves and two fish” is a unique event of holy creation which is accomplished by a harmonious combination of the quadrate-earth, heaven, sacred things and thing to be extinct.


Five loaves and two fish (16)

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all.(Mark 6:41)

The incident of “Five loaves and two fish” gives a completely new meaning through Jesus who looked up to heaven and gave thanks. Though “Five loaves and two fish” are the mere product of the earth, it is closely interlinked with heaven. From an object bound to the earth it turns out to be an object that has invisibly connected with the limitless heavens. It has all the characteristics of solidity, unique identity of limitation and limitlessness. This visible thing has now gained the invisible power.

Some of you may consider that the above statements are too abstract to understand. They may say so. A lot of the words of expression from Christian faith are abstract and ideal. Abstract is the opposite of concrete concept and ideal is the opposite of reality. We who are familiar with concreteness and actuality as reality usually feel abstract and ideal as unreal.

In fact, there was time when Christianity excessively inclined to abstractness and idealism. It was a sort of faith that they did not care how the world turn out if they could go to heaven by believing Jesus. Because of this dogmatic faith, Christianity was called as the opium. Some scholars criticize that this happened because the fore-fathers accepted Plato’s idealism.

Plato’s concept ignores the practical principle of life in this world but dwells on the world view penetrating into the deeper level of incident of the world. It believes that this world is moving around and not regulated by a certain mechanical principle. The Fathers accepted Plato’s concept because this concept is correspondent with God’s concept of Christianity. I say it again; this idea is not the idea ignoring this world but hermeneutics to see the deeper dimension of the world. It is the hermeneutics that “Five loaves and two fish” is connected with heaven from where the “Five loaves and two fish” came down.

Five loaves and two fish (15)

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all.(Mark 6:41)

Taking the “Five loaves and two fish” Jesus looked up to heaven and gave thanks. The heaven is God’s dwelling place and this is also the same place where the ultimate life is in store for us. “Five loaves and two fish” is the most familiar and commonly known topic in our daily life. However, when a man looks up to heaven holding the “Five loaves and two fish” its activity is closely connected to the ultimate life. The communication between a common daily life and the ultimate life is the very Christian Spirituality.

Our daily lives today have become a mere instrument to eat and live. Our 24 hours of thought and activities on earth are normally devoted only to action on how to earn money and lift up our own position. It is not easy to escape from such real world. And it is not proper to avoid the stark reality of this world. It is very clear that whatever we do in this world our action should be reflected to the ultimate life as long as we live as a Christians.

There would be many people who would like to live like that but could not follow it practically. I am also one of such people. It is not easy for me to let the ultimate life be a center of my life, the life in which the Holy Spirit leads. That may show my poor spirituality.

We have to live spiritually as far as possible, irrespective of our capability. It means we have to find out the way to communicate between our “Five loaves and two fish” and heaven where the ultimate life is hidden. What is it specifically?

It is our concentration on God as we pray ceaselessly. All other ways are temporary. When we concentrate on God, we heartily and reverently look up to heaven and pray with “Five loaves and two fish”.

Five loaves and two fish (14)

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all.(Mark 6:41)

Looking up to heaven, Jesus gave thanks to God. Given the “Five loaves and two fish”, God’s act, at our disposal, why can we not give thanks to God who blesses us with food now and even in the future? To say, the provision of “Five loaves and two fish” as God’s act, would also mean that this is a part of universal incident. Yes. A kernel of rice that looks insignificant is also a universal incident in accordance with God’s will. Those who seriously feel it would certainly give thanks to God.

The weight of our universe in our present life is incessantly getting reduced. Men hardly think about the universe which is far beyond our real world where we have to struggle for our survival. The trend of such thought would be highly fallacious. The entire realities seen before us are basically of universal incident. The Earth itself is a part of the universe. It signifies that the entire things and happenings on the earth are from the universe. I say again, our entire lives including “Five loaves and two fish” are basically parts of universal incidence.

If you feel that such level of understanding is too deep to penetrate, then think about where “Five loaves and two fish” have come from and the place where eat the five loaves and two fish, come from. Obviously it is the earth. Whether it a thing of beauty or a thing of ugliness, everything will turn to the same soil when they perish. The concept of beauty or ugliness is not found in the natural matter such as the soil of the earth which is a part of the universe.

If the “Five loaves and two fish” and we the people who have taken it are a part of universal happening, then holding the “Five loaves and two fish” we aught to look up and give thanks to God, the creator of all things.


Five loaves and two fish (13)

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. (Mark 6:41)

The practical expression of ‘Looking up to heaven’ would mean to outwardly to set one’s mind on the place where God dwells but internally it also means to give one’s mind to an ultimate mystery of life. Five loaves and two fish are more than a mere food material. This implies the mystery of life. Many Christian would know the meaning of mystery of life very well as it often referred to but many cannot fully understand the real meaning it carries.

Now we can maintain our life by eating something. Deeply think about its reason. Why can we not maintain our life if we do not eat? Everybody knows its physiological reason. As chewed food passes to the stomach and to the small intestine and the large intestine, and it changes into a nutriment which is necessary for our bodies. No life on earth can exist or live without having food. Even fungus is not excluded from such natural mechanism. The mode of food intake defers from one living being to another but basically all living things including plants need food in order to maintain their lives. Why should they depend on food for their survival? Is this the right system of life on earth?

According to Jesus’ teaching, we will be like angels at the time of resurrection where there will be no concern for eating and drinking. This teaching talks life the mechanism which is totally different from the life mechanism on earth. We should not consider our present system of life as the only absolute one in life. When we are aware of this fact, we come to know the preciousness of our life today. We come to know how marvelous fact it is to maintain our life by eating something. Those who truly acknowledge the certainty of this fact would look up with a thankful heart before taking the food. This would so happen because even to eat something is a mysterious thing.

Five loaves and two fish (12)

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all.(Mark 6:41)

Jesus looked up to heaven holding “Five loaves and two fish”. Looking up to heaven is the same as looking up to God. The people of the ancient time thought that God dwells in heaven. In those days, when there were no scientific discoveries of the celestial world, they thought that heaven was a mysterious world. They thought God is in the mysterious space.

When I looked outside from my library, I found that half of my sight is the earth and the other half is the heaven. The earth consists of forest, field, a paddy field, village and mountains. Heaven keeps changing with the passage of time and with the change of the heavenly bodies. It is filled with cluster of clouds or indigo twilight or stars at night. We now roughly know the form of the heavens with the help of the information of space through physics, but the ancient world never knew anything about it. The ancient people did not have the access to heaven and know its information. Thunder, light, rain, meteor and cloud are the absolute celestial objects of mystery.

It would sound rather awkward if we have the notion that the ancient people are unenlightened. In support of this fact there are two reasons. First, the idea about heaven in the Bible concentrates on not heaven itself but more importantly on God. They were meeting God in their limitation of information that they knew. The other point is that our knowledge about space physics is not much better than ancient people. Our knowledge is always relative. Our knowledge seems a little better than our descendants. We cannot make the difference of quantity of knowledge as a criterion of God cognizance. So we also have to live today with a thanks giving heart by looking up to heaven.


Five loaves and two fish (10)

Then Jesus directed them to have all the people sit down in groups on the green grass. So they sat down in groups of hundreds and fifties. (Mark 6:39,40)

After receiving the five loaves and two fish, Jesus directed the disciples to have all the people sit down in groups on the green grass. Someone should a have proper seat for eating. Proper seat is necessity not only for the sake of comfort while eating but also for space adjustment with the crowd gathered in the particular region of the desert. Just imagine the scene. Thousands of people were sitting in groups on the green grass and probably Jesus was in the center of the crowd. Perhaps the glowing western sky of the evening set a beautiful background of the historic scene.

As we study further on, “Five loaves and two fish”, we find that it be related to the Eucharist. The Eucharist is placed in the center of Christian worship service. Then this “Five loaves and two fish” is a sort of worship in the desert. If we widen our theological imaginative power, the “Five loaves and two fish” is an introduction of a new worship service. Worship in the desert is the same with the worship in the temple. It is not sure whether the author agrees on this point but it will not be wrong even if we interpret it in this way. As God reveals, Bible can be interpreted on the same line of the author’s writing. However, it does not mean that all arbitrary and subjective interpretation will be possible.

The term “the people sit down in groups on the green grass” could signify the order of worship service. Yes. The Holy Spirit, the central focus of worship service is the spirit of freedom and order. Our worship service should maintain freedom and order at the same time. It does not mean the spirit of freedom rules over one part and the spirit of order on the other. Freedom and order are to be at work simultaneously. For example, hymnal and prayer have its own unique form and we experience the spiritual freedom in it. We have to retrospect the way we have conducted our worship service and see whether freedom and order functions in tandem with the way it should.

Five loaves and two fish (11)

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. (Mark 6:41)

Jesus took “Five loaves and two fish” and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks. The author keeps silent about the content of the thanksgiving. Was it similar to our normal way of thanks giving to God in prayer when we eat? Following the Jewish custom of prayer before meal, surely Jesus must have prayed, “Praise the Lord Jehovah, the King of the world!” As he continued, he must have prayed, “You made bread from the earth.”

There is no other more sincere prayer than the prayer made before a meal. The first act of a newly born baby is to breathe. A doctor normally beat buttocks of baby to give an impetus to take normal breath as it comes to the world. The baby has to leave the womb and its dependence on the mother in breathing so as to live in this world. After breathing, a baby instinctively sucks mother’s breast for a while. If there is no milk from his mom then a baby should beg for cow’s milk instead. As such, meal is highly essential for the sustenance of our life. Therefore food is also a holy aspect of God’s provision.

Think of an ape-man. They always suffer from the shortage of food. Except sleeping hour, most of their time is spent in preparing and searching for meal. This mode of life is similar with other wild animals. It is not long that we gave up such style of livelihood. Nowadays we give a formal prayer before each meal. Mere formality of prayer could be the result of our shallow understanding about the depth of life and the world. To understand the world in depth is to experience the intimate relation with the God, the creator. The intimate relationship with God heart is found in Jesus’ blessing.

Five loaves and two fish (9)

"How many loaves do you have?" he asked. "Go and see." When they found out, they said, "Five--and two fish." (Mark 6:38)

In the given topic, “Five loaves and two fish” we need to give attention not only to the five loaves but also to the two fish. We do not know exactly whether it was some pieces of cooked salted fish or some fried ones or simply dried ones. However, it is very clear that those fish have swum in the Sea of Galilee sometime ago. Were they so unfortunate for this destiny? They were fished by a fisherman and now became a part of the “Five loaves and two fish”.

A fairy tale writer may write a beautiful story out of this incident by making the two fish as heroes. For our convenience sake, let us call this fish “Cyprinus carpio”; one the elder brother and the other younger sister. They were inquisitive brothers and sisters. Though their parents repeatedly cautioned them about the danger of net dropped down by man, they could not resist their curiosity to go to the center of the lake where many other friends also came out to play. Eventually they were caught in Peter’s net. They were then salted for a while and sold to someone and now are they are being served as lunch in the desert where Jesus was teaching the kingdom of God. There among the crowd was Peter who caught them.

Throughout my lifetime, this world remains a very strange and mysterious place to live in. Sometimes cause and effect in this world appear to have correlation with each other but sometimes they do contradict. This face of contradiction shows that the visible phenomenon is founded in depth that we cannot understand the reality of its nature of existence. How can we explain the complete story which was intricately woven in the two fish? Nobody can fathom the depth of existence and nature of its connectivity. Such expanse of knowledge would be the domain of God and God himself. Oh, what a little thing do we know now?

Five loaves and two fish (8)

Five loaves and two fish (8)

“How many loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.” When they found out, they said, “Five--and two fish.”(Mark 6:38)

Passing through a number of hands invisibly, the five loaves and two fish finally came to Jesus who was teaching the kingdom of God in the desert. In the process of this incident, not only the hands of different people involved but also much more importantly some fundamental elements did. It is true and generally acceptable.

Bread is made from wheat flour. Wheat flour is made by grinding wheat. Wheat grows in the wheat field. What has been the life giving force to the wheat plant till it reaches the stage where a kernel of wheat is fully developed to bear good fruit? The earth is the foundation of the entire life incidence. Wheat grows by taking its root in the ground which includes proper absorption of water and bacteria. It also needs air like nitrogen though it is a minor requirement. The lives play on the ground of the earth like an orchestra.

The same thing happens on the ground. Will the new sprouted wheat shoot first meet morning dew or fog or a butterfly or a bird as it comes out of the ground? A shoot begins to meet a totally new world by sprouting out of the ground. Imagine how it would be on the day of raptures. We may have such unprecedented experience when we are resurrected. A shoot receives the sun’s ray which is never known in the ground. The presence of the ray of the sun is indirectly felt in the ground but now the newly sprouted shoots of the wheat face it directly.

This interface between two natural bodies is like a couple who meet face to face after sharing their sweet heart love through letters. The process of photosynthesis and assimilation of carbon would make a shoot of the wheat feel a sense of dramatic transformation in the process of its growth. Going through different phases of changes in its life, a kernel of wheat finally bears abundant fruit. Such long and unseen process is hidden in five loaves and two fish. It is really a marvelous universal life incident truly taking place on the earth.

Five loaves and two fish (7)

Five loaves and two fish (7)

“How many loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.” When they found out, they said, “Five--and two fish.”(Mark 6:38)

Now just imagine how the five loaves and two fish might have passed through a number of hands before it was finally handed over to Jesus by a disciple. The owner of the five loaves and two fish might have handed over it to a disciple standing closest to him. The previous night that person might have told his wife, “I would like to go to Jesus, and could you prepare something for it?” It is uncertain whether his wife willingly or reluctantly prepared the “Five loaves and two fish” for her husband.

We can weave this story further. Through the power of imagination we can add some more creative inputs to this story. The wife who was requested by her husband to prepare food might be in agony in many ways. How could she prepare food under the situation of barely managing to stay alive with the aid of herb-roots and tree-barks? However, she could not decline the insistence of her husband who was to take a long-awaited precious trip. She might have borrowed five loaves and two fish from a neighbor who were close to her family. She might have told her husband, “Honey, I don’t know who Jesus is but go and meet him if you really want to meet him. Here I’ve prepared five loaves and two fish.”

Here five loaves and two fish which were placed before Jesus through the disciples’ hand had come after passing through many hands. It was the hands of his wife and a neighboring woman. Going still a little further it might have reached a baker and a fishmonger. Likewise the fabric of living is connected like net. Nobody or nothing exists independently. Any visible thing or any incident that is revealed in our sight contains in it someone or some story that we never be able to follow. If we do not consider these things, the essence of our living would be nothing but a superficial experience.

Five loaves and two fish (6)

Five loaves and two fish (6)

“How many loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.” When they found out, they said, “Five--and two fish.”(Mark 6:38)

It looks strange that they had only five loaves and two fish when this historic incident happened in that particular place where a crowd of five thousand people gathered. In the ancient times, there was no fast food shop or hawkers. So people used to take with them food and drink wherever they go. It sounds reasonable that some people could have forgotten to carry their food but it would be highly incredible if we are given to understand that there were only five loaves and two fish with a person in the mammoth gathering. There could be a hidden fact that the author of the Bible did not wish to describe the reality. Such facts will be dealt with at length in the following meditations; and as of now I would like to point out the situation itself.

There are a great number of people but only a few did the needful work in the very hour of great need. This picture of laudable work done by a few could also be applied to the movement of the kingdom of God. Five thousand people gathered there but non of them did not have the far-sighted understanding of the impending grave need of the huge crowd. History flows in this way.

There might be some people who did not take out their food initially out of their stinginess, but mostly they did not know what exactly ‘Five loaves and two fish’ was all about. What does the “Five loaves and two fish” mean to us? What is the insignificant thing in us that could do some incredible and laudable thing for us? People may not be able to do this. Out of what we have, there is always a possibility to make it the “Five loaves and two fish”. Once it is revealed its reality at the proper place and time it could produce marvelous power.

Is it not the very Christian faith, the discerning power to bring out five loaves and two fish at the proper place and time? I hope our entire life would replete with incidents of such five loaves and two fish. I pray I may see it.

Five loaves and two fish (5)

Five loaves and two fish (5)

“How many loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.” When they found out, they said, “Five--and two fish.”(Mark 6:38)

When Jesus enquired how many loaves they had, the disciples checked with the people gathered there and found five loaves and two fish. Jesus talked only about bread but the disciples tried to find out fish too. The place where people were gathering was near Galilean lake and they might some dried fish scattered around them. When we think deeply, we learn that the Earth is really a mysterious planet. It produces abundant food materials for us to eat and many other things for our livelihood.

We eat corn, potato and bread. According to a farmer who collects it from a field, a corn produces a stalk and a stalk has a pair of ear corn. An ear corn has around three or four hundred corns. In this case, a corn multiplies seven hundred times. A Potato also multiplies at least 100 times. Fish also has the mighty power of reproduction. Fish like yellow corvine, mackerel and hairtail lays eggs thousands and thousands at a time. It is really a marvelous power of production.

On earth there are frequent incidents like the miracle of “Five loaves and two fish”. Though the same incidents of supernatural phenomena shown in the gospel do not exactly happen, there exists the natural power of the earth which shows its strength of productivity. In this connection, there is no distinction between naturalness and super-naturalness.

Though the Earth has such a marvelous power of productivity, why are many people in the world still starving? Let us hand over such socio-scientific analysis into the hand of a specialist. However, to say it in the theological and biblical point of view, rampant miseries in the world continue to linger because very often we behave like the landlord or the Creator ignoring the ownership and authority of the Creator God.

Five loaves and two fish (4)

Five loaves and two fish (4)
“How many loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.” When they found out, they said, “Five--and two fish.” (Mark 6:38)

In the preceding meditation it is mentioned that the five loaves and two fish newly shine with Jesus. It is the right moment to change things into holiness. Can the things in the world really give off holy light? The things in this monotonous world generally look insignificant in our eyes. If something gives off holy light, it should be considered as something different and unique but these things appear quite normal.

We do not normally catch the holy light produced by the things in the world because we do not have such holy eyes to see. Our eyes always fall on to mannerism. We have the static natural perception that mountains should always there standing tall and river should always flow and a neem tree should remain green all the time. We cannot see the other dimension of these visible things because our eyes are so accustomed to the set up of this world.

The other dimension is the cosmological depth in which all the things in the world are well connected with each other. There is a fairy tale entitled, “Doggy poop” written by Mr. Jungsang Kown who had expired recently. Doggies poop is also a part of this universe. If there is no such doggy poop, then there is no universe either. The reason being, Doggy poop becomes a food material for some insects and then again return to the soil. It communicates with the universe in a unique way. The existence of doggy poop was made possible in this universe which accepts it. Now it is evident that doggy poop and this universe are part and parcel of the same body.

Here are five loaves and two fish in the hands of the disciple. It was a tiny thing for the disciple but it is also a part of the creator God. If it belongs to the creator God, it eventually belongs to a cosmic realm. Yes. The eyes that see the things of the creationism are the same holy eyes that see things see things in a different way. The five loaves and two fish look shinny in holiness and they are true as they are in the eyes of the beholders.

Five loaves and two fish (3)

Five loaves and two fish (3)

“How many loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.” When they found out, they said, “Five--and two fish.”(Mark 6:38)

The disciples replied saying that they had only “Five loaves and two fish” with a visible facial expression that the quantity they had was worthless. This is our human’s epistemological limitation. What can we do with only “Five loaves and two fish”? We have to change this kind of mentality. We have but “Five loaves and two fish”. The difference between two sentences is the addition of the word “only” and “but”. However, there is a big gap of difference in the expression.

A saying goes, “a wise man remains wise even while he is drinking but a fool regrets for having got drunk with wine.” They face the same situation but think differently. How wonderful is this? There exists something now. Though it would be relatively inferior to other thing, it is a marvelous incident if we see from the point of its unique existence. Whether it is a tiny thing or big thing, both exists at the same time having the same value of existence. The outward appearance of the existence of anything in the world can not give us the purpose and meaning of its existence.

If I am an artist I would like to draw the picture of the “Five loaves and two fish” that the disciples had brought to Jesus. Though it is a small quantity it clearly shows the concrete presence and availability at that point of time. It shines with the light of life. The things lying on my table shows their existence and thus they shine. DVD of Poumai gospel album, mobile phone, hymn book, the Bible, a wooden pencil case, tissue paper, computer and etc, all these things shine in their own unique way.

Above all in the field, there was Jesus who is the source of all things that come into existence. Now with the confirmation and credibility of its existence being exhibited in their bodily form, even the tiny thing of the world has deeper meaning of its existence than just it appears to be.

Five loaves and two fishes (2)

Five loaves and two fishes (2)
"How many loaves do you have?" he asked. "Go and see." When they found out, they said, "Five--and two fish." (Mark 6:38)

When Jesus told the disciples to find out how many loaves they had they found out and told Jesus that they had “Five loaves and two fish.” The crust of the totality of Jesus public ministry would be the “Five loaves and two fish”. This event is significant because this incident not only solves the problem of starving masses but it also revealed Jesus’ supernatural power.

The quantity of the “Five loaves and two fish” is not much for eating. It might have been brought only by some. Other gospel says a child brought it. However, the disciples found the “Five loaves and two fish” from someone. This was to say that they found out.

What was the disciples’ feeling when they talked about “Five loaves and two fish” to Jesus? They were the people who calculated that the quantity of food so required would cost 200 denari. According to the disciples five loaves and two fish would be too insignificant to solve the fundamental problem of anything. If they convert the value of the present available food in term of money, it would not be even a half denarius. This small quantity of food cannot practically solve the problem of the masses. The disciples’ “Five loaves and two fish” signifies their miserable state of despair.

Would not our situation be similar to this state of helplessness? What we need is two hundred denari but what we have in our hand is just a half of a denarius or just one tenth of denarius. Look at the situation we live in. There are many starving masses in the world. Afghanistan and Pakistan consider starving people in rural areas; Haiti earthquake and Chile earthquake demand two hundred denari. However, we individuals do not have any ability to solve any of these problems. What do we do with “Five loaves and two fish”?

Five loaves and two fish (1)

Five loaves and two fish (1)

"How many loaves do you have?" he asked. "Go and see." When they found out, they said, "Five--and two fish." (Mark 6:38)

See carefully the dialogue between Jesus and his disciples. The disciples said, “Send the people away so they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat."
Jesus said, "You give them something to eat."
The disciples again said, “Do you mean that we have to buy two hundred denari’ valued loaves?” Jesus said, “Go and see. How many loaves do you have?"
The disciples said, “Five loaves and two fish.”
Jesus commanded the disciples to find out how many loaves they had. After knowing this they could device a measure. The word of Jesus has a significant spiritual meaning. We always think we have nothing. We usually worry and anxious about anything beforehand.
Universal gift in one way or the other from God is an important theological aspect in Christianity. Everybody receives their own gifts from God. God does not heap up all the gifts on a person but gives it to everybody universally. Most people miss this important fact and easily conclude that they do not receive excellent gift as others do in their lives. People view that certain gifts are exclusively excellent. However, as a matter of fact, gifts are not graded in that way. Every gift is precious because God is the source of all the gifts.
Jesus tells us to find out how many loaves we have. Those who do not find out this may lose what they have at hand. Where do we find out the gifts? It is the responsibility of each individual. Certain gifts that are to be used in accomplishing the kingdom of God in the world are hidden somewhere in our life like the treasures buried in the field. If we want to find it out, we must first forget about the fantasy of two hundred denari. In all simplicity, first we must try to find out what you have in the field of your spiritual land.