Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. (Mark 6:41)
In order to have better understanding about the connectivity between the “Five loaves and two fish” and heaven as the world would view to penetrate the depth of things, we need to give ear to Heidegger’s explanation about this thing. I quote it as the following:
“An article of a thing can be a cup, a chair, a trail, a tray etc. According to different nature of existence, a tree, a pond, a brook and a mountain exists as a thing. A thing exists every time and takes reification according to their own way and becomes a heron, a roe, a horse and a bull. Thing stays every time and nullifies itself according to their own way and becomes a mirror, a buckle, a book, a painting, a crown and a cross.” (Das Ding 181)
The bread was in the form of wheat just before it came to Jesus. Prior to this particular incidence, the wheat (present bread) was hidden invisibly as a kernel of wheat covered with husk of the wheat. One day it revealed itself to the world in a concrete form exposing to nature of the earth, heaven, rain and carbon. As we eat of this bread, it immediately enters into the stomach and some part of it changes to nutrition to be absorbed by the body to preserve man’s life and other part of it will be changed to waste to be excreted. These may be again take reification in a certain manner.
Heidegger stipulated that thing is an assemblage of the quadrate namely, earth, heaven, sacred things and thing to be extinct. For him this world is a mirror play that is displayed by overlapping of quadrate. It is reflected to a mirror this way or that way. Do not misunderstand. It does not mean that God’s creation in this world is meaningless. Rather it is just the opposite. “Five loaves and two fish” is a unique event of holy creation which is accomplished by a harmonious combination of the quadrate-earth, heaven, sacred things and thing to be extinct.
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