Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all.(Mark 6:41)
I would like to add some more points on Eucharist that I mentioned in the foregoing meditation. Historically speaking Eucharist was originated from the last supper in which Jesus took the Passover supper with his disciples just before his crucifixion.
Jesus commanded his disciples saying, “"This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me." (Luke 22:19) Even Paul also received the same command. (1Co 11:25)
Passover supper, the foundation of Eucharist is the supper that every family of the Israelites who were living as a minor nation in Egypt ate the night before they left Egypt. They killed sheep and sprinkled its blood on the doorframes. It was a mark of passing over of the angel of dead who killed the eldest son of the entire Egyptian family and the eldest animal of the livestock of every family in Egypt. They had to eat the unleavened bread and bitter vegetable with your cloak tucked into your belt. (Exo. 12:11)
At the very day, Israelites experienced the absolute mayhem of life and death. There was wailing from every house of Egyptian neighbor with whom they had lived together for a long time. They had to leave Goshen a place where they used to live in. No one knew what was in store for them as they marched forward to occupy the land of the Canaanites. Relieving from the grip of Pharaoh’s hand in Egypt was a joyful experience of freedom but it was also a great adventure for them. They shared the supper together in such risky moment.
What does it mean by having a supper in the given unfavorable situation and the question of life and death? No wonder, man should continue to eat even if one’s house is in the state of mourning. Even a criminal under sentence of death longs for a delicious meal and a puff of good cigarette. The word “Passover” means the act of passing over of the angel of death on the house the doorframe of which was sprinkled with the blood of the lamb thereby sparing life to the house of the Israelites. Then they might eat bread and drink wine.
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