Five loaves and two fish (29)

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all.(Mark 6:41)

In the preceding meditation, I mentioned that the hand of man is none other than the hand of God. Here the hand of man signifies the real hand while the hand of God is the instrument accompanied with the hand. However, it is clear that hand is the most important tool in creating a man materializing the plan of God.

Generally, the closest anthropoid is Homo sapiens (a man of thinking) and Homo erectus (pithecanthrope) is the next older and Homo Habillies(a man of using tool) is the oldest of the three. Recently some confusion has occurred in this a chronicle because of finding of Homo Habilllies who had lived in the next generation of Homo erectus. Whatever the order may be, it is clear that we see the character of human as thinking, standing, walking and using a tool.

Homo Habillies used a tool with his hand. It is a deceptive cause to go ahead in a competition with other animals. When they wanted to use their hand freely then definitely they should walk with two feet. They could use their hands even though it was not meant for standing straight. At this point there is high possibility that Homo Habillies was in the contemporary of Homo erectus.

Today we are also receiving such Homo Habillies’ genetic effects. It means the blood of the ancient anthropoid that made a tool with their hand 18 billionaires ago is flooding to us. Our descendants also may live by using this hand. They may make a spaceship with this hand and migrate somewhere else inhabitable in universe. After all, there is not other important hand than Jesus’ hand which breaks the loaves. I hope our hands also busy in breaking loaves in this manner.

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