Five loaves and two fish (30)

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all.(Mark 6:41)

I would like to say something more on human hands. The hands of men are quite different from that of other animals. Chimpanzee and gorilla are known for their close resemblance with men and they have great strength in their hands but they can not be compared with the strength, multifunction and versatility of human hands. If they hold a baseball bat, human holds it by separating the thumb and other fingers but a chimpanzee holds it with all the fingers in same direction. This is the big difference; men can grip a bat correctly and firmly but a chimpanzee can not. The gap of difference between man and chimpanzee becomes even bigger as we study more and more about them.

Nowadays there are some zoologists who treat a chimpanzee or a gorilla or an orangutan as their family. They become friends of the wild animals. They protect them from the hands of a poacher as they study them. When they pour out their affection for a long time there developed mutual trust between them. Men learn their language and teach them men’s language.

However, I have never heard teaching them how to play the piano. Probably it will be impossible. Besides music experience involves delicate motion which is impossible for them. I neither heard that they taught them how to sew. It is clear that their hands are not skillful enough to sew clothes.

The hand is the most important gift of God, which make human beings a unique creation. Just as the hands of Jesus that broke “Five loaves and two fish”, our hands also may be used in such precious work. It would begin by sharing of a meal together.

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