The disciples’ anger

When the ten heard about this, they became indignant with James and John. (Mark 10:41)

The disciples were indignant with the behavior of James and John. It was possible for the disciples to get anger with the two brothers in two reasons. First fact was that the two brothers tried to get a special treatment from Jesus despite they were suffering together. The other fact was that, it was not the right time for Jesus to consider the posts of his disciples as Jesus was going toward Jerusalem. The way toward Jerusalem was the way of crucifixion.

Despite this condition at this stage, the way in which the ten disciples became indignant with James and John was rather ridiculous. It was a sort of struggle for position among the ascetics. The author might have revealed this incident though he could have hidden it because such position struggle occurred not only in the disciples’ community but also was in the Mark’s community.

Do Christians of today get angry with each other? It is silly question. Of course it is happening. Nowadays one church in Seoul is being focused by a Christian mass media. The church is one of the top intellectual Korean churches consisting over 90% of graduated Christians. They are dog biting with each other between pro-pastor party and the anti-pastor party. Such things are happening in many churches though the intensity of the acrimony defers form one to the other.

Seceding from the real essence of the church which is supposed to be called a peach community is the reason for getting involved in such frank fighting Here we do not need to theologically talk about high-sounding essence. If a church becomes at least sincere in the essence as the serving community, then all the noisy argument in the church will gradually subside. The serving relationship should be established between Christians and at the same time the church has to establish a serving relationship with society too. There is ground of becoming indignant with others if a church keeps its identity as serving community in a society.

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