Leaving and Following

Peter said to him, "We have left everything to follow you!" (Mark 10:28)

Similar with the other incident, Peter again stepped forward. Peter including other disciples proudly revealed that they had left everything to follow Jesus. It is hard for us to grasp the exact intention of his statement, whether he was really proud of his bold step or not. However, based on his attitude which is different from that of the rich man, we can read his mind. The rich man was the person who was not able to follow Jesus due to his strong attachment to and desire for the material things of this world.

Should we leave everything to follow Jesus? Or does this commitment not meant for normal believers but exclusively for the disciples? Is it possible realistically? Such endless questions can be continued. It is because the theme ‘leaving and following’, deals with a religious question, it is very comprehensive and implicative. So we are not to directly apply such theme into our life but understand as a light tower of faith based on its theological meaning.

I think it has already been clarified earlier that leaving and following directs the character of our deepest spirituality. Our soul resounds only for one thing. To follow Jesus means to stick our soul fast to Jesus, his incident and his destiny. In order to do this, we have to put aside other temporal things.

What do we leave? What are the hindrances on the way toward Jesus? You do not need to list them on a paper in detail. We can get the answer immediately by thinking of how much concern we have on Jesus and the incident that had happened to him. We now are passing through an advent. Our spiritual advent might direct us to invoke, “Oh Lord, do come”!

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