Overturn of value (5)

But many who are first will be last, and the last first."(Mark 10:31)

Many of you may think the contents that have explained earlier with a subtitle, ‘overturn of value’ don’t have the sense for the real flowing too much into ideal way. It is because ‘the first’ and ‘the last’ are so clearly dividing in the reality of today. There is no community without such division.

I heard a story from an intimate friend. Some of residents in Susunggu of Daegu city which can be compared to Gangnam of Seoul don’t leave this region. The reason is that they are not able to associate with the peoples of other region. Precisely speaking, they don’t have ability to associate with others. “When I shifted to other place the strangeness of people caused me difficulty to live.” It is a kind of privileged consciousness and a sense of ‘Like attracts like.” Of course they don’t have problem in their personality. Simply they feel inconvenient with other people for they have been bound in upper-class life.

All ordinary people are helpless. I also often have the same experience. Please allow me to speak about tennis that I favor. When I go to tennis court we assemble a team according to order and play. Generally we play with people in same level. However some insists to play with us despite his poor play skill. I enter into a court with him smiling but with murmuring ‘How bad lucky today.’ This murmuring doesn’t go keep continue but stop right after.

Despite human nature and social system are all the same if the gospel of Christianity insist changing the value of the first and the last, as I mentioned the above, it is fit to hear that Christianity doesn’t have the sense of the real. You don’t need to worry about the teaching of the Bible. It is because the operating principle of world is not the real but the teaching of the Bible.

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