Toward Jerusalem(01)

Toward Jerusalem(01)

They were on their way up to Jerusalem, with Jesus leading the way, and the disciples were astonished, while those who followed were afraid. Again he took the twelve aside and told them what was going to happen to him. (Mark 10:32)

According to Mark’s gospel Jesus predicts his suffering and death three times as in Mark 10:32-34, Mark 8:31 and 9:31. This is the last prediction. Though the disciples heard the third prediction in advance, they did not take it seriously. The main reason behind of their callous and indifferent attitude was that their primary interest was only on achieving success in the world like any other normal people. This fact can be confirmed from the demand of James and John who said, “Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory" found in verse 35.

Jesus’ warning for his suffering was directly related to ‘Jerusalem’. Jerusalem does not simply signify a place, the capital city of Israel. It signifies the religious power, the hegemony of Jewish society in Jerusalem. The word “Jesus went up to Jerusalem” could imply that he was entering into a lion’s den.

It was not easy to give right judgment on the seriousness and the intensity of disharmony between Jesus and the religious leaders. Looking at the favorable relationship prevalent between the early Christian community and Judaism, it is not right to put the whole blame of creating division between Judaism and Jesus on Judaism as the Gospels point out. In fact, the early Christians in Jerusalem held positions in Judaism as the Nazarene sect.

However with the passage of time Judaism and Christianity were finally separated. It took about 40-50 years. In this process the early Christianity, especially Greek Christianity completely cut off their relationship with Judaism. They realized that Jesus’ gospel of the kingdom of heaven has unthinkably crashed with Judaism. Amid rampant hostility, Jesus was going up to Jerusalem and this signifies that he staked everything on truth and righteous struggle.

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